Transcendental Meditation with Powerful Panchakshari Mantra

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by various cultures and religions, each with their own unique techniques and beliefs. However, one form of meditation that has gained significant popularity in recent years is Transcendental Meditation (TM) with the Panchakshri Mantra. This powerful form of meditation combines the ancient Vedic mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ with the practice of TM to create a profound and transformative experience. In this blog, we will explore how the five elements are included in the Om Namah Shivaya mantra and how divine guidance is received through this particular mantra during meditation.


The Panchakshri Mantra, also known as the ‘five-syllable mantra’, is a powerful and sacred mantra in Hinduism. It is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Om’, ‘Na’, ‘Ma’, ‘Shi’, and ‘Va’, which collectively form ‘Om Namah Shivaya’. These five syllables represent the five elements of nature – earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Each element has its own unique energy and significance, and when combined with the mantra, it creates a harmonious balance within oneself

OM –

The first element, earth, represents stability and grounding. In the Om Namah Shivaya mantra, it is represented by the syllable ‘Om’. Chanting this syllable during meditation helps to connect with our physical body and root us to the present moment. It also helps to ground us and release any stress or tension that we may be carrying.



NA –

The second element, water, symbolizes emotions and fluidity. In the mantra, it is represented by ‘Na’. Chanting this syllable helps to calm the mind and release any negative emotions or thoughts that may be hindering our meditation practice. It also helps to purify our emotions, allowing us to experience a sense of peace and harmony within ourselves.


MA –

Fire is the third element and represents transformation, purification, and passion. In the mantra, it is represented by the syllable ‘Ma’. Chanting this syllable helps to ignite our inner fire and motivation, allowing us to let go of any negative patterns or habits that are holding us back. It also helps to purify our mind and body, allowing us to experience a deeper state of meditation.




The fourth element, air, symbolizes movement and breath. In the mantra, it is represented by ‘Shi’. Chanting this syllable helps to connect with our breath and deepen our focus during meditation. It also helps to release any tension or blockages in our body, allowing for a free flow of energy.



The fifth and final element is ether, which represents space and consciousness. In the mantra, it is represented by ‘Va’. Chanting this syllable helps to expand our awareness and connect with our higher consciousness. It also helps to create a sense of spaciousness within our mind and allows us to let go of any limiting beliefs or thoughts.



The combination of these five elements in the Om Namah Shivaya mantra creates a powerful synergy that helps to balance our mind, body, and spirit. As we chant this mantra during meditation, we are not only connecting with the elements of nature but also aligning ourselves with the universal energy that surrounds us.


This mantra also opens up a channel for divine guidance during meditation. 


As we chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’, we are invoking the energy of Lord Shiva – the deity associated with transformation and spiritual growth. 


His energy is said to guide us on our spiritual journey and help us overcome any obstacles or challenges.


Extra add-ons with this Mantra Meditation :

Through this mantra meditation, many have reported experiencing clairvoyance – the ability to see beyond what is physically visible. It is believed that with the help of this mantra, one can tap into their intuitive abilities and receive insights from their higher self or the divine. This can manifest in various forms – from receiving sudden flashes of inspiration or visions during meditation to gaining clarity and guidance on important life decisions.


In addition to clairvoyance, the Om Namah Shivaya mantra also opens up the possibility of experiencing astral travel – an out-of-body experience where one’s consciousness travels to different realms or dimensions. This experience is often remembered in dream states, where the mind has the ability to transcend the physical body and explore the vastness of the universe.

Moreover, this mantra meditation has also been known to enhance one’s dream states. Many have reported experiencing vivid dreams and receiving downloads of information from their higher self or the divine during meditation. These dreams can be symbolic and hold deep meaning that can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our journey.


The combination of Transcendental Meditation with the Panchakshri Mantra creates a powerful and transformative experience like no other.

With the inclusion of the five elements in the Om Namah Shivaya mantra, we are able to connect with our inner self and the universal energy, receive divine guidance, and tap into our intuitive abilities. So, if you’re looking to deepen your meditation practice and experience something truly profound, give this mantra meditation a try – you might be surprised by what you discover within yourself.

Love and Light 

Nikki Dutta💫🌈

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